Monday, May 30, 2011

May 31

I am imprisoned at the District Office on Juniper Street. An all-day meeting. Imagine your dullest class. Imagine you have this class all day with only two short bathroom breaks and one 45 minute lunch. Imagine endless PowerPoints of charts and numbers and vocabulary you don't really understand. That's what I face today.
So be happy you are not with me. Tomorrow we begin performances of Romeo and Juliet, so do your Multigenre Projects and/or go over your acting parts.
I wish I was there with you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26

I just found out we don't have school on Monday. (Shows you how dense I am.) That really makes me want to remind you of what you (and I) face over the next two weeks:
You need an official rehearsal for your acting.
You need two props for your acting.
You need a backdrop for your acting.
You need several genre's of writing that add up to 1,500 words.
Remember that in my world every paper needs revision so the first draft you give me of any genre will not get you any points.
If you do a paper without showing me anything until you are done you might find you need to do something over again because you misunderstood the assignment, so please check in with me or Ms. Legakis soon.
You've had very little homework in this class but now is the time for you to manage your time--all of it. That might mean working over this holiday. Excuses about not having enough time to do 1,500 words will fall helplessly to the ground since you will have four uninterupted days to finish this work.

Ms. Legakis is out sick today so we can only use the lab today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24

We'll concentrate on the acting today. I invite all groups to begin work on your backdrops, and I hope you'll begin thinking about props.
Remember that every group must rehearse in front of Ms. Legakis or myself.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20

SSR then continue to work on acting and the Multigenre Project. Many thanks for all your hardwork the past few weeks.

Ms. Legakis and I will try to spur your imaginations and help you in any way we can.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19

Today we begin the Multigenre Project. I will show you a few ideas but ultimately this will depend upon your willingness to use your own ideas and your imagination (along with your knowledge of Romeo and Juliet. This will also call for you to budget your time, using some time to prepare your acting roles and some time to do the writing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18

After SSR we begin the last big unit of the semester, your Multigenre Reports. I will show you what is expected.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17

Today you will receive the details of the work for the remainder of the semester. Please select three scenes that your group would like to perform and hand this to me.

HOMEWORK: Title Page for the Multigenre Project is due tomorrow. (You can change it later. I just want to see you do one for practice.)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12

We'll spend most of the period watching the film today though I may stop the movie occasionally to point out important points. We'll pick up the film right after Tybalt is killed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11

SSR + acting out scenes from Act III.

We will act out Act III, scene 1, from lines 115 (enter Benvolio)
then Act III, scene 2, from lines 31, (enter Nurse)
and finally Act III, scene 3, from the beginning of the scene.

If time I'll show more of the film.

There is HOMEWORK today, a ten question scantron 'quiz', due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10

3rd will begin with an art project, then we will act out two small scenes from Act III of Romeo and Juliet. Finally we'll watch those same scenes in the film.

4th will do what Ms. Legakis says.

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9

3rd period will do SSR, then an interesting exercise about figurative language. Any remaining time will be devoted to watching more of the play.

4th period will get instructions from Ms. Legakis.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6

3rd period:SSR then we'll act out the balcony scene and, if time, see the next scene in the movie.

4th period: Ms. Legakis will give you your instructions. SSR might not happen today due to her university commitments.

I need two Romeo's and two Juliet's today. Can I get volunteers???? and I need a volunteer director.

Romeo 1
Romeo 2
Juliet 1
Juliet 2

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5

I have a warmup about the scene we just watched yesterday plus an introduction to the next part of the play that we will watch today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4

SSR + watch next part of film (the party at the Capulet's house and the 'balcony scene').

I will take a couple minutes to go over the scene with the nurse.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3

3rd period will act out scenes from Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet to get a full understanding of what is happening.
4th period will be given instructions by Ms. Legakis.

HOMEWORK: 3rd period: I've given you back all your work for this quarter. Those with Incomplete may repair any problems and hand in the work for full credit. Those with zero's may still hand in the work for half credit.

May 2

No 3rd period.
4th period SSR + work on the prologue.