Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7

Mostly acting today but I have at least one rehearsal to do.
Tomorrow I want to try to give you time in the lab to a)finish your Multigenre Projects and b)begin preparation for the Final Exam.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3

SSR today, then we begin acting. Ms. Legakis and I will grade your presentations. We are looking for strong voices full of emotion with some sense that you know what the words mean.

If you have not done a rehearsal yet you cannot act today--unless you are willing to forfeit those points (for the rehearsal).

If you recieve a poor grade on your presentation you can redo your performance before school or after school with me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 31

I am imprisoned at the District Office on Juniper Street. An all-day meeting. Imagine your dullest class. Imagine you have this class all day with only two short bathroom breaks and one 45 minute lunch. Imagine endless PowerPoints of charts and numbers and vocabulary you don't really understand. That's what I face today.
So be happy you are not with me. Tomorrow we begin performances of Romeo and Juliet, so do your Multigenre Projects and/or go over your acting parts.
I wish I was there with you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26

I just found out we don't have school on Monday. (Shows you how dense I am.) That really makes me want to remind you of what you (and I) face over the next two weeks:
You need an official rehearsal for your acting.
You need two props for your acting.
You need a backdrop for your acting.
You need several genre's of writing that add up to 1,500 words.
Remember that in my world every paper needs revision so the first draft you give me of any genre will not get you any points.
If you do a paper without showing me anything until you are done you might find you need to do something over again because you misunderstood the assignment, so please check in with me or Ms. Legakis soon.
You've had very little homework in this class but now is the time for you to manage your time--all of it. That might mean working over this holiday. Excuses about not having enough time to do 1,500 words will fall helplessly to the ground since you will have four uninterupted days to finish this work.

Ms. Legakis is out sick today so we can only use the lab today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24

We'll concentrate on the acting today. I invite all groups to begin work on your backdrops, and I hope you'll begin thinking about props.
Remember that every group must rehearse in front of Ms. Legakis or myself.